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linux终端命令管理工具_xTerminal中文版_windows的Linux终端工具 V1.7.0 下载

  • 软件大小:4.74mb
  • 更新时间:2023-03-31
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 所属分类:远程监控
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 用户评分:评分
  • 运行环境:XP,Win7,Win8,Win10






xTerminal 是一个windows上类似于Linux的终端工具,它包含了Linux的命令,除此之外还包含了一些其他功能。

xTerminal完全免费开源,你可以将它容易集成到 Windows-Linux 开发或测试环境中,同时该工具支持C#语法,更有效地满足开发者的需要。

除此之外该linux终端命令管理工具具有面向对象的用户界面,具有客户端-服务器架构。主要目的是为 UNIX 系统提供友好的界面。它旨在用于在 C++ 中打造基于文本的应用程序。它包含一个完整的面向对象库,包含多个可调整大小的重叠窗口、下拉菜单、对话框、按钮、滚动条、输入行、复选框、单选按钮等。鼠标支持、高级对象管理、事件处理、还提供了对象中间的通信,并与完整的程序员手册绑定在一起。


简单点理解,xTerminal 就是一个多终端的远程Web She-ll工具。你可以通过浏览器根据特定的设备 MAC 地址登录到你的Linux设备。它非常适合公司对公司 部署在全球各地的成千上万的 Linux 设备进行远程调试。






4、功能齐全 基于Xterm.js 的终端。


6、SSL 支持:openssl、mbedtls、CyaSSl(wolfssl)。




------------------------ System ------------------------

ls -- List directories and files on a directory. Use -h for additional parameters.

-h : Displays this message.

-d : Display duplicate files in a directory and subdirectories.

Example1: ls -d

Example2: ls -d -e (scanns for dulpicate files with same extension)

Example3: ls -d -o

Example4: ls -d -e -o (scanns for dulpicate files with same extension)

-s : Displays size of files in current directory and subdirectories.

-se : List recursively files and directories containing a specific text.

Example1: ls -se

Example2: ls -se -o

-c : Counts files and directories and subdirectories from current directory.

-cf : Counts files from current directory and subdirectories with name containing a specific text.

Example: ls -cf

-cd : Counts directories from current directory and subdirectories with name containing a specific text.

Example: ls -cd

-hl : Highlights specific files/directories with by a specific text. Ex.: ls -hl

-o : Saves the output to a file. Ex.: ls -o

ch -- Displays a list of previous commands typed in terminal. Ex.: hcmd 10 -> displays last 10 commands used.

chistory -- Clears the current history of commands!

start -- Starts an application. Ex.: start start OR start -p .

Can use following parameter:

-h : Display this message.

-u : Can run process with different user.

Example1: start -u

Example2: start -u -p

pkill -- Kills a running process by name or id.

Example1: pkill

Example2: pkill -i

clear -- Cleares the console.

cd -- Sets the currnet directory. (cd .. for parent directory).

odir -- Open current directory or other directory path provided with Windows Explorer.

ps -- Opens Windows Powershell. It can use PowerShell comands:

Example: ps

cmd -- Opens Windows Command Prompt. It can use Command Prompt comands:

Example: ps

reboot -- It force reboots the Windows OS.

shutdown -- It force shutdown the Windows OS.

logoff -- It force logoff current user.

lock -- Locks the screen(similar to Win+L key combination).

bios -- Displays BIOS information on local machine or remote. Use -h for additional parameters.

-h : Displays this message.

-r : Displays BIOS information on a remote pc.

sinfo -- Displays Storage devices information on local machine or remote. Use -h for additional parameters.

-h : Displays this message.

-r : Displays Storage devices information on a remote pc.

hex -- Display a hex dump of a file.

-o : Saves the output to a file. Ex.: hex -o

pcinfo -- Display System Information.

nt -- Starts new xTerminal console.

-u : Starts new xTerminal console with other user option.

---------------------- File System ---------------------

cat -- Displays the content of a file. Use -h for additional parameters.

-h : Displays this message.

-s : Output lines containing a provided text from a file.

Example: cat -s

-so : Saves the lines containing a provided text from a file.

Example: cat -so -o

-sa : Output lines containing a provided text from all files in current directory and subdirectories.

Example1: cat -sa

Example2: cat -sa

-sao : Saves the lines containing a provided text from all files in current directory and subdirectories.

Example1: cat -sao -o

Example2: cat -sao -o

-sm : Output lines containing a provided text from multiple fies in current directory.

Example: cat -sm

-smo : Saves the lines containing a provided text from multiple files in current directory.

Example: cat -smo -o

-lc : Counts all the lines(without empty lines) in all files on current directory and subdirectories.

-lfc : Counts all the lines(without empty lines) that contains a specific text in file name in current directory and subdirectories.

Example: cat -lfc

mkdir -- It creates a directory in the current place.

mkfile -- It creates a file in the current place.

fcopy -- Copies a file with CRC checksum control. Use -h for additional parameters.

-h : displays this message

-ca : copy all files from current directory in a specific directory

-ca : copy source files in same directory

frename -- Renames a file in a specific directory(s).

Example: frename -o

fmove -- Moves a file with CRC checksum control. Use -h for additional parameters.

-ma : moves all files from current directory in a specific directory

edit -- Opens a file in Notepad(default). To set a new text editor you must use following command: edit set Path to editor

del -- Deletes a file or folder without recover. Use -h for additional parameters.

-h : Displayes this message.

-a : Deletes all files and directories in current directory.

-af : Deletes all files in current directory.

-ad : Deletes all directories in current directory.

cp -- Check file/folder permissions.

md5 -- Checks the md5 checksum of a file.

---------------------- Networking ----------------------

ifconfig -- Display onboard Network Interface Cards configuration (Ethernet and Wireless)

ispeed -- Checks the internet speed with Google.

icheck -- Checks if a Domain or IP address is online.

extip -- Displays the current external IP address.

wget -- Download files from a specific website.

-h : Display this message.

-o : Save to a specific directory.

Example2: wget -o

speedtest -- Makes an internet speed test based on API.

email -- Email sender client for Microsoft (all), Yahoo, Gmail!

ping -- Pings a IP/Hostname. Ex.: ping or ping -r 10 (for 10 replies).

---------------- C# Core Runner and Add-ons -------------

ccs -- Compiles and runs in memory C# code directly from a file using Roslyn. Usage:

Example 1: ccs

Example 2: ccs -p

! -- Run or add custom C# code addons as a command. Use -h for additional help.

-h : Displays help message.

-p : Uses command with parameters.

Example: ! -p

-add : Adds new code from a file and stores in Add-ons directory under xTerminal.exe

current directory with a command name.

Example: ! -add -c |

-del : Deletes an Add-on.

Example: ! -del

-list : Display the list of the saved add-ons with description.

-------------------- UI Customization -------------------

ui -- Customize the PS1(Prompt String 1). Use -h for additional help.

::Predifined Colors: darkred, darkgreen, darkyellow, darkmagenta, darkcyan, darkgray, darkblue,

red, green, yellow, white, magenta, cyan, gray, blue

::Predifined indicators: > , ->, =>, $, >>

-h : Displys this help message.

-u : Enables or disables current user@machine information with a predifined color from list:

Example1: ui -u -c :e -- enables information with a predifined color from list.

Example2: ui -u -c :d -- disables information (need to specify color anyway).

-i : Changes command indicator and sets a predifined color from list:

Example1: ui -i -c -s -- sets a custom indicator from predifined list with a predifined color from list.

Example2: ui -i -c -s -- sets default indicator($) with a predifined color from list.

-cd : Changes current directory with a predifined color from list:

Example1: ui -cd -- sets a predifined color from list to current directory path.

-------------------- Password Manager -------------------

pwm -- A simple password manager to store localy the authentification data encrypted for

a application using Rijndael AES-256 and Argon2 for password hash.

Disclaimer: Use it at your OWN risk.

Useage of password manager commands:

-h : Display this message.

-createv : Create a new vault.

-delv : Deletes an existing vault.

-listv : Displays the current vaults.

-addapp : Adds a new application to vault.

-dela : Deletes an existing application in a vault.

-updatea : Updates accounts password for an application in a vault.

-lista : Displays the existing applications in a vault.

------------------------ Games --------------------------

flappy -- Play Flappy Birds in console!(Created by Phan Phu Hao

snake -- Play Snake game in console!(Ceated by




linux终端命令管理工具_xTerminal中文版_windows的Linux终端工具 V1.7.0 下载


